holllaaaaaaaaaa dropdead gorgeous!!

visit me http://madnessmeformakeup.blogspot.com/

Saturday, September 25, 2010

something slouchy on

white blouse-MNG
denim blue pants- street market
shoes-black inspired chloe clog:: bought online
**click on the photo-to enlarge ;)

i donno much to say....i just love my new shirt..kinda slouchy and comfy..new in my collection i guess ;) hope u enjoy..

p/s: not so much photos i took..perhaps we have errands to run and so much to do..somehow, i feel uneasy and a bit(not 'a bit', more likely to non-stop nausea feeling) unwell lately..always feel kinda nausea and not really in a good mood for photo taken..
**sorry if my language and writing sucks..well its not my mother tounge so i guess i cannot be blame on it heheh..hope u guys enjoy my blog..thanks so much till then XOXO