holllaaaaaaaaaa dropdead gorgeous!!

visit me http://madnessmeformakeup.blogspot.com/

Saturday, September 25, 2010

something slouchy on

white blouse-MNG
denim blue pants- street market
shoes-black inspired chloe clog:: bought online
**click on the photo-to enlarge ;)

i donno much to say....i just love my new shirt..kinda slouchy and comfy..new in my collection i guess ;) hope u enjoy..

p/s: not so much photos i took..perhaps we have errands to run and so much to do..somehow, i feel uneasy and a bit(not 'a bit', more likely to non-stop nausea feeling) unwell lately..always feel kinda nausea and not really in a good mood for photo taken..
**sorry if my language and writing sucks..well its not my mother tounge so i guess i cannot be blame on it heheh..hope u guys enjoy my blog..thanks so much till then XOXO

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Siti Nurhaliza & Noh - Begawan Solo (live)

BENGAWAN SOLO-THE SOLO RIVER, eventho, i donno much about the story about this, but i do know this is the very long river in java east side perhaps..correct me if i'm wrong ;)
yes i do..i like this song..it captivated me all of sudden...kinda hypnotized by this DATUK SITI voice...soothe my feeling and make me feel much better... ;)
p/s:: probably someday i'm gonna reach this place..can't wait for my next travel and vacation..but for sure, not right now or sooner...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

this is comfy ;)

so mad about internet connection...it made its hard to post a new blog update.......and this is the picture i took last weekend...wearing some new wooden clog inspired by chloe clogs.. but this one i bought online ;) with a very2 good price....well enjoy and feel free to leave a comment ;) till then, XOXO

Sunday, September 19, 2010

our joy during eid festive

with youngest sister, the night time..we wore those BAJU KURUNG, our tradition attire

this sweet photos of me with my lovely hubby and both our niece and nephew, taken on first day of eid mubarak/ 1st syawal..so pure and what a day... ;)

second day of eid/ 2nd syawal

im wearing something lace in electric blue

hey there, i'm back again for blogging..so sorry on my lack of post..so busy and so little time so much to do, it is what it takes when it comes to eid celebration here in our hometown.. more over, lately i endure this morning sickness and nausea.. there's not much i can do instead of laying on bed and rest...
and talk about laying in bed, owh i was fall sick for two days during this festive..so bad, and so little that i can visit..
anyway, here's my latest photos during this eid festive..as usual, we will organize the family gathering and having our lunch and dinner more likely to call as OPEN HOUSE ;) *sorry for the 'not-so-accurate' explaination...my bad heheh
well, i hope u enjoy with my post here..thanks and XOXO